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Our Seniors have their own monthly medals played from the yellow tees. They also have inter-club matches with Scoonie, Thornton, Lundin, Glenrothes, LGS, Balbirnie and the annual Tri-Angular match with St. Andrews & Carnoustie, for the Cowan Quaich.

 The Gilmour Jug is our main Match play event for Seniors being played throughout the season for members 50+.

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We have a flourishing Junior section at Leven Thistle, and all juniors are eligible to compete in Senior Medals (National HcP required).

The Gibson Shield (Strokeplay), Cunningham/Herd Salver (Strokeplay), Bob Dishart Trophey (Matchplay) and Dave WalkerCup (Matchplay) are exclusively for Juniors.


A number of inter-club matches take place during the season against clubs such as St. Andrews, Carnoustie, Lundin, Montrose and Crail.

Coaching for the Juniors takes place during the Winter months in the upper lounge on a Tuesday evening, with coaches Sandy Herd and Edgar Rankine enthusing about the potential shown by these Juniors.



For more information email  secretary@leventhistlegolf.org 






There is a small but enthusiastic Ladies section at Leven Thistle Golf Club which we hope will continue to grow over time.


The work on creating the Ladies locker room & changing facilities was completed  in 2006.


There are monthly medals during the summer (details below), so if you are interested in joining a Ladies section where you can have a say on how it develops, membership at Leven Thistle is available.


For more information email: members@leventhistlegolf.org